Improving Backcountry Snowmobiling Skills

Props to the blog for turning us on to an amazing partnership between Arctic Cat and Amber Holt.  As we all know, it's way easier to head down to your local snowmobile shop and buy some new gear and snowboard racks than it is to learn to ride the right way.

What Amber does is teach high level (and beginner) skills for backcountry snowmobiling.  Every extreme sport is technical in nature, and few are more technical than snowmobiling in fresh powder and in steep terrain.  There are mountain skills, mechanical skills, and riding skills all coming in to play and determining to a large extent how much fun and how safe we are in the backcountry.

A day or two learning the real physics and techniques from a pro can dramatically change a season or riding, or a lifetime.  Personally, I'm looking forward to the location as well... the Seven Devils lodge looks like a snowmobiling paradise!  There are plenty of other great snowmobiling lodges but this has got to be at the top of the list!

Way to go Amber, and thanks for doing what you do!

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